#define LCD_IO 0 #define LCD_NO_RW #define LCDWriteByte MySendToLCD ; ----- Define Hardware settings [todo] ; ----- Variables ' No Variables specified in this example. All byte variables are defined upon use. [todo] ; ----- Quick Command Reference: [todo] ; ----- Main body of program commences here. cls print "Hello World." end ; ----- Support methods. Subroutines and Functions Sub MySendToLCD(In MyLCDByte) 'Uses I2C 'Sends an address byte (128) 'Then a control byte, where bit 4 is the state of the RS pin 'Then a data byte, which is sent to the LCD data pins. ControlByte = 0 If LCD_RS = On Then ControlByte.4 = On I2CStart I2CSend 128 I2CSend ControlByte I2CSend MyLCDByte I2CStop 'Need to allow time for receiver of message to update LCD Wait 5 ms End Sub