

    bit = FnEquBit(BitIn)

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers.


FnEquBit is a function and is the bitwise equivalent of the assign operator "=".

FnEquBit will return the Logic State of BitIn. It is equivalent to the 'C' statement as shown below.

    BitOut = BitIn

FnEquBit can be used to assign a non bit variable to a bit variable. BitIn may be a variable and of type: Bit, Byte, Constant or another Function. If BitIn is of type Word or Long only the Least Significant 8 bits will be evaluated. It will return 1 if BitIn evaluates to anything other than zero.

Note: If BitOut is an I/O Bit, then SetWith should be used to encapsulate the function. See below.


    ' This program will reflect the opposite of the state of
    ' SW1(RA3) on DS1(RC0) on the Microchip PIC Low Pin Count Demo
    ' Board. Notice that because SW1 is normally High the state is
    ' inverted and LED (DS1) turns off if SW1 is pressed.

    #chip   16f690    ' declare the target Device

    #Define SW1 PORTA.3
    #Define DS1 PORTC.0

    DIR DS1 Out
    DIR SW1 In

      ' set the Bit DS1 to equal the Bit SW1
      SetWith( DS1, FnEquBIT( SW1 ) )

See Also Bitwise Operations Overview and Conditions